Ministries FECC offers a variety of opportunities for meaningful connection, fellowship, and spiritual growth ASSOCIATE MINISTERS Assistants to theSenior Pastor in service to the Lord, the congregation and the community. DEACONS Appointed by the Pastor in consultation with the congregation as servant-leaders to the Pastor, the church and the community. TRUSTEES Overseers of fiscal andfiduciary responsibilities of the Church. USHERS & GREETERS Maintain order, comfortcongregants in worship,and welcome worshippers. MUSIC Render worship and praise through music and song. LITURGICAL DANCE Worship and praise through dance. MISSIONARIES Facilitate local and international outreach to spread the Gospel of Christ. HOSPITALITY Provide refreshments and meals during celebratory gatherings of the Church. DISCIPLESHIP Serve as mentors and establishtrusting relationships with newmembers and the Community.